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LEGEND Bracelets*


*Not affiliated

Recently, I was looking for something to treat myself with, a bit of retail therapy to help me get by with what’s going on in the world. When I ended up coming across Legend, a company that allows you to buy sustainable jewellery which also help towards conservation and making a change. In addition to bracelets, you can also purchase their hats, plushies, necklaces and keychains. The keychains, necklaces and bracelets have a capsule on them that allow you to add you own sand and memory into them.

My only issue I have had with Legend was choosing which cause I wanted to help out, I wanted to choose all of them as they are all so useful in the fight for survival of the species they have. Eventually though, I ended up choosing the coral reefs bracelet. In one of the capsules, there is sand from the place the coral reef that the company is helping to build. The other capsule is left empty, so that I can put my own memory into it. I know exactly which beach I will be popping some sand in there from and I’m very excited to get back to it. There is the option to buy a bracelet that has two empty capsules if you really can’t decide which one to opt for.

I also had a friends birthday coming up, and as someone who is just as passionate about the earth as I am, I knew she deserved something as beautiful as this. The question was though, which one? I knew I had to be sneaky about this. It was for a birthday after all. So, I messaged her the list of causes that Legend have and asked: If you had to choose only one of these to fund, which one would it be? She did ask me why she had to decide, and I followed that up with a ‘Say you only had enough money to fund one thing’. And with that, she made her choice, also deciding on the coral reefs, and the purchase was made. As she has now received it, then that’s why I can now post about the bracelet without ruining the surprise.

I’m really looking forward to filling up the empty capsule with a tiny piece of a very special place. I will keep you all posted on how the bracelet holds up. But just as my BushStrap that I bought in 2016, I know the Legend bracelet will be worn quite a lot.


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